Working Papers
The Effects of College Desegregation on Academic Achievement and Students’ Social Interactions: Evidence from Turnstile Data [Updated Manuscript]
Trust and Network Formation (joint with: Juan Camilo Cardenas, Danisz Okulicz, Davide Pietrobon and Tomás Rodríguez Barraquer) [Manuscript]
Policy Reports
Tracking Transfer: Community College and Four-Year Institutional Effectiveness in Broadening Bachelor’s Degree Attainment [CCRC Website]
Trends in Key Performance Indicators Among Colleges Participating in a Technology-Mediated Advising Reform Initiative. Community College Research Center Reports. January 2020 (co-authored with: Hughes, K. L., and Barnett, E. A.) [CCRC Website]
Baseline Trends in Key Performance Indicators Among Colleges Participating in a Technology-Mediated Advising Reform Initiative. Community College Research Center Reports. June 2018 (co- authored with: Armijo, M.) [CCRC Website].
How to Boost Community-College Transfers. The Chronicle of Higher Ed. March 22, 2024 [Opinion]
Work in Progress
The Returns to College for Low-income students: Evidence from a Student Loan Program in Colombia (joint with Fabio Sanchez)
Plant Openings and College Outcomes (joint with Viviana Rodriguez and Lois Miller)
Peer Reviewed Publications (pre-doctoral)
The Methodological Challenges of Measuring Student Learning, Degree Attainment, and Early Labor Market Outcomes in Higher Education 2017. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. Vol. 10(2): 424-448 (co-authored with: Melguizo, T., Zamarro, G. and Sanchez, F.)
Impact of Credit for Low-Income Students on Access to and Academic Performance in Higher Education in Colombia: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. 2016. Word Development,Vol. 80. 61-77. (co- authored with: Melguizo, T., Sanchez, F.)
¿Edificar o Educar? Impacto de los megacolegios en pruebas estandarizadas SABER 11. Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad. No. 74 (2015)
Socio-economic inequalities in malnutrition among children and adolescents in Colombia: the role of individual, household- and community-level characteristics. 2013 Public Health Nutrition 16(9): 1703-18 (co- authored with: Garcia, S., Sarmiento O., Forde, I.)